Tuesday 8 December 2009

Resensi Novel

Sang Singa, Sang Penyihir, dan Lemari

Judul buku : The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe

Penulis : C.S. Lewis

Alih Bahasa : Donna Widjajanto

Penerbit : PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Cetakan : Maret 2006

Tebal : 232 halaman

Resensi :

The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe adalah seri pertama dari tujuh seri novel The Chronicles of Narnia karya C.S. Lewis. Novel ini menceritakan kisah empat kakak beradik Pevensie: Peter, Susan, Edmund, dan Lucy Pevensie yang karena suatu hal telah menemukan sebuah negeri bernama Narnia dibalik lemari Professor Digory Kirke. Mereka terpaksa harus berkutat di negeri tersebut karena salah satu dari mereka, Edmund, telah diculik oleh penyihir jahat di negeri tersebut. Kenyataan lain juga menghambat mereka untuk kembali, karena ternyata keempat Pevensie itu telah diramalkan untuk menjadi penyelamat Narnia sehingga mau tak mau mereka berusaha keras membebaskan kembali Narnia dari tangan si penyihir jahat. Setelah perang usai kakak beradik Pevensie diangkat menjadi Raja dan Ratu Narnia. Beberapa tahun telah berlalu, para pevensie dewasa tengah berburu rusa putih ketika secara tak sengaja mereka menemukan jalan pulang kembali ke dunia mereka. Mereka memasukinya, dan ketika keluar mereka mendapati diri mereka sedang berada di rumah Profesor Digory Kirke dan menjadi anak-anak kembali. Tidak ada perubahan waktu sejak mereka pergi ke Narnia. Tidak ada yang menyadari bahwa mereka sudah pergi selama bertahun-tahun dan menjadi Raja dan Ratu di suatu negeri.

Monday 16 November 2009


Mask is me.

Using mask everyday is such a bothersome for me. Smile, kind, bright, and laughing hard aren’t me at all.

To find the real you, you need to find the one who know all of you. But even when I found it, it has to be disappearing from me.

I get a headache and heartache everyday coz I have to keep smile face of me. I don’t like it, I don’t want it, but I can’t hold it since using that kind of mask has become my habit.

Is it the right thing?

Is it the right me?

You and I have done so many things that came through against us for the last three years. I thought our friendship is kind of untouchable, I thought you think of me as your special friend. But the truth was not as good as fairytale. Three years is too long to us to keep our friendship. You started to become sociable to the others, with your simple minded personality you didn’t even realize you had hurt me so badly. You left me when I needed you the most. Insulted, hurt, wounded, I tried to get one step further from you. I tried as hard as I can to be more reliable, at least a little bit reliable for my own self. I picked to back even further from you, and you didn’t even bother because of it.

Now you and I really have changed. We aren’t more than awkward friends when we’re being together again. That’s one of proves that WE CAN’T AGAINST THE WORLD. No matter how much we struggling, we won’t win against this stupid fucking bastard place named WORLD.

Monday 9 November 2009

Arranged Marriage Results in Unhappy Marriage

Arranged Marriage Results in Unhappy Marriage

Arranged marriage sounds cheap in our ears since now we live in such a modern world that there’s no thing like that. But for some people arranged marriage still exists till now, maybe for them who want to keep a good relationship to each other then they force their child to married one day.
I agree to this statement when the couple who have to married don’t love each other. Probably my words sound like a fairytale but living together and waste the rest of your life with someone who don’t love you or you don’t love with is the same thing with an unhappy marriage.

Friday 30 October 2009



I personally think that parents have nothing to do with their child’s love life. I disagree since dating is one of adolescent’s life experiences that can help teenagers grow up. That means parents don’t have to involve their self to it.

Our boy/girl friends don’t need to be as perfect as our parents want to be if it’s just a regular dating, it's a different thing if he/she is going to be our ‘future husband/wife’, because I think when you love someone deeply, and your lover truly love you back, then she/he will do anything until our parents approve to our relationships. If our parents see how serious we are, they will at least let you keep the relationship with our boy/girl friend and as time pass by they will accept our relationship with our boy/girl friend, since all parents want their children live in lovey dovey love life, right?

Wednesday 28 October 2009



Polygamy is NOT good choice for anyone. Of course there’s no normal woman want to be betrayed by her husband. What ever the reason, polygamy isn’t good for the one who did it or the one who related, since polygamy can make your marriage not harmonious. Especially the wife doesn’t want to share the love of her husband to another woman, because polygamy can be done if the husband gets agreement from his wife. Even if the husband has gotten permission from his wife still there’s another problem. The husband has to be fair to his wives, because if not it will disturb the stability of your marriage. Besides most of Indonesian man are not fair husbands, they easy to get attracted by good women (even if they already have a wife). So I think, polygamy isn’t good for anyone, especially for Indonesian.